Parent-based intervention.
Child/adolescent/dependent adult do not attend the sessions. They don’t have to agree to the treatment.
What happens in SPACE treatment?
Parents who participate in SPACE will learn skills and tools to help their children overcome anxiety, OCD, address school refusal, restricted & avoidant eating (ARFID) and highly dependent adult children that have Yet to Launch (YTL) or related problems.
The treatment focuses on changes that parents can make to their own behaviour, they do not need to make their child change.
The two main changes that parents learn to make in SPACE treatment are to respond more supportively to their anxious child and to reduce the accommodations they have been making to the child’s anxiety symptoms.
Who is SPACE for? Who is the client?
SPACE aims to treat children and adolescents with anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although children do not have to attend SPACE sessions – they are the clients! Parents attend without the child. The child does not have to attend or agree to the treatment. Change is brought about with a change in parental behaviour and does not attempt to change the child. When SPACE treatment is successful children feel less anxious and function better following treatment.

10-12 Week SPACE Programme (Individual families) Parents attend weekly/fortnightly without the child/adolescent/dependent adult.
In-person @
7 Main St. Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 HC0H)
Online via Zoom.
You can indicate your choice of venue at booking.
60-75 minute session weekly/fortnightly.
Cost €65 per session (payable at booking).
Next steps
Book a free 30 minute more information call on the link below
Book 1 or more SPACE appointments.

If you answer yes to 2 or more of these questions, then this programme will be of enormous,
benefit to you, your child and your family.
Are you ready to commit to a 10-12 week intensive programme to address
your child’s/young person’s anxiety?
Are you constantly engaging in rituals and routines to accommodate your young persons’ anxiety and alleviate their symptoms i.e., their distress?
Are your attempts to cajole, coax and explain there is no need, to be anxious, falling on deaf ears?
Are you doing all you can yet the anxiety seems to get worse and more severe?
Are you left feeling you don’t know whether you are doing right or wrong?
Are you feeling you don’t have the knowledge or skills to support your child?
Has your adult child failed to launch (FTL)? At home isolated in a room, no training or college no job, no participation in jobs around the house, no friends, occupying self on computer/games all day, totally dependent?
Do you engage in escalating arguments with your child?
Are you afraid of your child and their reactions if you don’t engage in their rituals to avoid their feared obsession?
Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells in your home?
Does your child have strict rules in the house that everyone must adhere to?
Is your child refusing to go to school?
Does he/she threaten suicide or self-harm if you refuse to do as they request to manage their symptoms?
Are all the other members of the family suffering?
Do you and your husband/partner disagree on how to manage the situation?
Are you at your wits’ end trying to manage things?
Are you feeling helpless and alone?
Is neurodiversity complicating the issue?
This will be a 30 minute no-obligation call between the two of us where we will share information in relation to your current challenges and situation. I will explain the SPACE programme program format and expected benefits and outcomes. Together we can determine if the program would benefit you at this point in time. On deciding to work together you will be informed of SPACE programme options and upcoming programs, dates, and times and you will be invited to take time to consider the options and to return if and when you are ready, to book, and commence the programme.