
Margaret Gilbert Professional Parenting Coach @changingtracks4life.com

My children are continuously teasing each other and fighting? Is this normal? Am I alone in this?

Of course, you are not alone!  Sibling rivalry is an inevitable consequence of having more than one child.  The ‘happy home’ can frequently descend into a battleground that leaves exhausted parents questioning where they have gone wrong.  The simple answer is, they haven’t – children in close quarters will provoke brothers and sisters in many ways!

Living with an angry 8-year old, an angry 10-year old, or even an angry teenager?

Angry children: Living with an angry 8-year old, an angry 10-year old, or even an angry teenager? When you face school refusal, verbal aggression, and abuse early in the morning from yourangry 10-year-old or your angry 12-year-old or your angry teenager, it is hard. A bad start tothe day. Even if you get them to …

Living with an angry 8-year old, an angry 10-year old, or even an angry teenager? Read More »